Click on each product for more information

Emergency Medical Card
Providing Peace of Mind
Emergency Medical Card

Personalized Emergency Medical Cards provide the information First Responders need. Hand it out to schools, coaches, babysitters, and keep a copy with you. There is security in carrying an EMC, it can save your life.

$20.00 + shipping

The Inner Armor Project
Empowerment Tools
Inner Armor

Bullying is everywhere. Inner Armor is an interactive 3-step process that disarms, protects, and liberates participants. With a reformed sense-of-self, individuals are equipped to embrace challenges as opportunities, and transform their communities.

- Products
- Workshop Bookings
-Corporate & Independent Facilitator Training

Life Launch

Life Launch provides direction. By exploring the learner's strength and interests, an inviting future begins to take shape. The next step is to connect individuals to like-minded groups in their communities.

- Products
- Workshop Bookings
-Corporate & Independent Facilitator Training

Volunteer Sustainability Project

We will assist you in creating a Volunteer Sustainability Program that will solve the 'time problem' for community members eager to contribute to your organization.

Coming 2024

True Inclusion

Imagine a community where relationships transcend gender, economic standing, intellectual ability, or age. This is a Truly Inclusive Community.

Coming 2024